Anderson Bezerra Apps

Anderson Bezerra
Muito simples e fácil de usar.Very simple and easy touse.
PS 6000 Help 1.0
Anderson Bezerra
Permite o acesso rápido aos códigos de errogerados no controlador de solda.Provides quick access toerror codes generated in the weld controller.
SEM PROPAGANDASNa correria do dia-a-dia você acaba se descuidando.este aplicativo te ajudará a lembrar a beber água.fazendo o cálculo de (seu peso em kg) * 35 = (quantidade deáguaa beber por dia em mililitros)você indica seu pesodepois indica o horário inicial para ser lembradoe depois informa de quantos em quantos minutos querserlembrado.pronto!agora cabe a você se monitorar para sempre beber água quandooaplicativo ÁGUA! te lembrar.In the rush of day-to- day you end up neglecting .this app will help you remember to drink water .making the calculation ( its weight in kg ) * 35 = ( amountofdrinking water per day in milliliters )you indicate your weightthen indicates the start time to be rememberedand then report how many how many minutes you want toberemembered.ready !Now it's up to you to monitor always drink water whentheapplication WATER ! remember you.Con las prisas del día a día se termina descuido .esta aplicación le ayudará a recordar a beber agua.haciendo el cálculo ( su peso en kg ) * 35 = ( cantidad deaguapotable por día en mililitros )usted indica su pesoa continuación, indica la hora de inicio para ser recordadoy luego reportó el número de cuántos minutos que desea serrecordado.listo !WITHOUT ADVERTISEMENTSIn the rush of day-to-day you end up neglecting.this app will help you remember to drink water.making the calculation (its weight in kg) * 35 = (amountofdrinking water per day in milliliters)you indicate your weightthen indicates the start time to be rememberedand then report how many how many minutes you want toberemembered.ready!Now it's up to you to monitor always drink water whentheapplication WATER! remember you.In the rush of day-to-day you end up neglecting.this app will help you remember to drink water.making the calculation (its weight in kg) * 35 = (amountofdrinking water per day in milliliters)you Indicate your weightThen Indicates the start time to be rememberedAnd Then report how many how many minutes you want toberemembered.ready!Now it's up to you to always drink water monitor Whentheapplication WATER! remember you.Con las prisas del día a día is finished oversight.this aplicación le ayudará to remember to drink water.haciendo el calculation (su peso en kg) * 35 = (potable waterperday cantidad en milliliters)usted indicates su weightthe continuación, it indicates start time to be rememberedy luego el REPORTO number of Cuántos minutes deseaberemembered.listo!
Racer 1.0
Anderson Bezerra
Game based on Flappy Bird, inspired byanindustrial not let your robot lose control.make it float, dodging cars, but "catching" other objects, suchasan industrial servomotor, industrial welding clamp,teachingpendant of robots.
GFWelding Help 1.0
Anderson Bezerra
Ferramenta para facilitar para a manutençãoaoacesso dos códigos de erro do controlador de solda.Tool to facilitateaccessfor maintenance of the error codes from theweldingcontroller.
Beba Água 2.3
Anderson Bezerra
Na correria do dia-a-dia você acabasedescuidando.este aplicativo te ajudará a lembrar a beber água.fazendo o cálculo de (seu peso em kg) * 35 = (quantidade deáguaa beber por dia em mililitros)você indica seu pesodepois indica o horário inicial para ser lembradoe depois informa de quantos em quantos minutos querserlembrado.pronto!agora cabe a você se monitorar para sempre beber água quandooaplicativo ÁGUA! te lembrar.In the rush of day-to- day you end up neglecting .this app will help you remember to drink water .making the calculation ( its weight in kg ) * 35 = ( amountofdrinking water per day in milliliters )you indicate your weightthen indicates the start time to be rememberedand then report how many how many minutes you want toberemembered.ready !Now it's up to you to monitor always drink water whentheapplication WATER ! remember you.Con las prisas del día a día se termina descuido .esta aplicación le ayudará a recordar a beber agua.haciendo el cálculo ( su peso en kg ) * 35 = ( cantidad deaguapotable por día en mililitros )usted indica su pesoa continuación, indica la hora de inicio para ser recordadoy luego reportó el número de cuántos minutos que desea serrecordado.listo !In the rush ofday-to-dayyou end up neglecting.this app will help you remember to drink water.making the calculation (its weight in kg) * 35 = (amountofdrinking water per day in milliliters)you indicate your weightthen indicates the start time to be rememberedand then report how many how many minutes you want toberemembered.ready!Now it's up to you to monitor always drink water whentheapplication WATER! remember you.In the rush of day-to-day you end up neglecting.this app will help you remember to drink water.making the calculation (its weight in kg) * 35 = (amountofdrinking water per day in milliliters)you Indicate your weightThen Indicates the start time to be rememberedAnd Then report how many how many minutes you want toberemembered.ready!Now it's up to you to always drink water monitor Whentheapplication WATER! remember you.Con las prisas del día a día is finished oversight.this aplicación le ayudará to remember to drink water.haciendo el calculation (su peso en kg) * 35 = (potable waterperday cantidad en milliliters)usted indicates su weightthe continuación, it indicates start time to be rememberedy luego el REPORTO number of Cuántos minutes deseaberemembered.listo!
C5G SAFE Tutorial 1.0
Anderson Bezerra
Tools of practice to assist integrators of robots C5G that havetheSAFE MOTION feature. This application allows users tounderstandmore clearly about the steps to perform the task of therobots SAFERECOVERY C5G.
C5G Help II 1.0
Anderson Bezerra
O objetivo desse Aplicativo é facilitar a equipe demanutenção,integradores e assistência técnica às informações doscódigos dealarme no C5G. Facilitará bastante ao acesso dasmensagens, causa esolução, ainda mais no idioma Português. demaneira simples eobjetiva, através de seu SmartPhone ficará maiseficiente oatendimento ao cliente e ainda com a possibilidade decontactar aAssistência Técnica Robótica - ATR através do próprioemail geradopelo aplicativo.
Taxa Metabólica Basal
Anderson Bezerra
Quickly calculate your basic daily calorie consumption
Flappy Robot 1.0
Anderson Bezerra
Move your Robot without hitting obstacles